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Conversation Between tiggernjen and roxana
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 24
  1. roxana
    02-11-2011 06:49 AM
    Thanks so much Lyn!!!
  2. tiggernjen
    02-11-2011 06:15 AM
    Have a fun safe trip....Don't forget to take lots of pictures...
  3. roxana
    12-15-2010 09:53 AM
    Lyn Happy belated Birthday!!! Hope you had a great day!!!!
  4. roxana
    11-26-2010 08:05 PM
    Thanks so much!!!
  5. tiggernjen
    11-26-2010 12:00 PM
    Happy Birthday Roxana!!!!
  6. tiggernjen
    10-28-2010 09:56 AM
    I love it..I'll have to start on mine now that you gave me some information how to start it...As soon as I get it designed, we can chat on fb, so you can tell me how to get it on my blog..Now it may take me awhile to do it, but as soon as I'm done, I'll get in touch with you...Thanks..
  7. roxana
    10-28-2010 08:07 AM
    Lyn take a look at my blog. I made the skin and the title! But took me more time to get it into the blog and wasn´t that difficult . For the BG make a page 1800 x 1200 px and decorate with the kit you like, save it as JPEG in save for web and be sure it is no more than 300kb. When you have it we can chat by FB and I´ll tell you how to get it into the blog.
    For the title make an image (png) aprox 1200x500 px and add it as header in the design part, don´t close your file cause you´ll have to play with sizes until it is what you like!
    Just let me know how it goes!!!
  8. tiggernjen
    09-07-2010 03:11 PM
    Thanks Roxana, I'll check from now on...I don't need the books for awhile, so I'll re-do a couple pages at a time...Now I know where to look...
  9. roxana
    09-07-2010 02:53 PM
    Bad news Lyn , there´s nothing you can do, you´ll have to redo or else they will be pixelated when you print them, there are even some companies that wont print if the resolution is too low(72 is web resolution). You have to increase the res before you start. If you do now you won´t get much better. I remember (but not sure) Kayla started a thread about that she had done all her album in 72 dpi, and the only solution was printing smaller or redo, but you won´t want autograph pages smaller, right? Just breath deep and start over, I´ve made it, and this time will be easier as you already know what your finish page will look like!
    And maybe you could try taking them to a store and see what they say, as they are not so big prints it could work.

    Yes it was Kayla, read here:

    And always remember check the template resolution it must be 300dpi (especially for photobooks)
  10. tiggernjen
    09-07-2010 02:22 PM
    I checked and some are 72 & 96 dpi, don't ask me how that happen... and my height & widthsare 600pixels x 429pixels and 504x360...I couldn't see where I could change the dpi...I'll have to see if my DH know how to do it when he comes home from work...How's your LO for the telephone challenge going...take your time, I'm #12 and I'm not in a hurry to get

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