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Conversation Between tiggernjen and roxana
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 24
  1. roxana
    09-07-2010 01:52 PM
    To check pick any of your jpeg and right click over it, down to properties click there and compare the numbers with mine. in properties you´ll find 2 windows, in the first one General, you´ll find the size in MB, then go to second window and you should find vert and horiz. resolutions that should say min 200ppp or 200dpi each one (mine is in spanish) if being there you don´t find numbers then there go down and click advanced settings or something similar and there should appear these numbers, there also you´ll find height and width it should be 1500 and 2100. Let me now! I had to redo mines when I realized that!!!!
  2. tiggernjen
    09-07-2010 11:15 AM
    No, I don't think i did...How did you change it??? Don't tell me I did all that work and now they are not going to turn out... I used the 5x7 template...
  3. roxana
    09-07-2010 10:19 AM
    I guess you should try Shutterfly or some similar place, or just any store that prints pics, as it´s your first time I think you should go to the store and see how your pics are gonna come out, if there is any problem you can decide there, otherwise if you do it online maybe you won´t know if there is some problem (edges, resolution, being pixelated etc). You have to print your jpeg images, not the PSE neither the web ones, in the format you chose 4x6 or 5x7, according to which templates did you used, and BTW did you changed the resolution to the templates from 72 to 300 before working with them? Just for you to know my pics are 300dpi, aprox 2Mb size, 2100x1500pix.
  4. tiggernjen
    09-07-2010 10:01 AM
    Since I've never done this before, where can I get the pages printed??? And what file do I get printed??? I have 3 different files saved...1 in PSE, 1 in my pixs and the other is the one I save for Web...
  5. roxana
    09-05-2010 11:15 AM
    Great Lyn , now you are ready for the challenge
  6. tiggernjen
    09-05-2010 10:41 AM
    I'm all set...PM myself and got the link..
  7. tiggernjen
    09-05-2010 10:31 AM
    Duh...I didn't think of that...I'll PM one...thanks...
  8. roxana
    09-05-2010 09:16 AM
    It will, if you did it once, next time won´t be any problem!!! It´s always the same!!
    Why don´t you PM with one of that links, that way you´ll be 100% sure it worked!!!
  9. tiggernjen
    09-05-2010 09:10 AM
    Thanks Roxana..I download a couple of my LO's and then went down to direct link & copy it...I did it!!! That wasn't hard...Now the test will be when it is time for the challenge to see if it will
  10. roxana
    09-05-2010 08:14 AM
    Hi Lyn, actually it´s also my first time signing up for this challenge, and I had the same doubt. Carmen says you can do it either way. I found easier with the photobucket account (because I upload all my LOs there for my blog ), cause you just have to upload your page there, and then via PM send the link to your page to the next person. I guess you will receive the LO from the preview person that way too. Why don´t you upload one of your LOs to your account so you realize how it works? ( So it will not be your first time during the challenge). Just click the upload, then click save and that´s it, try with 2 pages so when you want to see one page individually double click and ready (that´s the link you´ll need) Let me know how it works!

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