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Conversation Between ColoMich94 and jang
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. ColoMich94
    05-20-2011 10:39 AM
    Hi, no I'm not from Coloma. I'm actually from Gaylord, MI and my parents now live in Ludington. Nice catch with the user name... actually, my husband is from Colorado and I'm from Michigan and we were married in '94. ColoMich94 is what we came up with over 13 years ago with our first email address to represent us. Welcome to mousescrappers by the way, I hope you are as inspired as I am when I look at all the pages in the galleries.
  2. jang
    05-16-2011 04:26 PM
    Not really sure how this message thing works but I just had a question for you. Your user name is ColoMich94. I was just wondering if you have a tie to Coloma, Michigan. I was born in Stevensville, MI which if you are not from Coloma is fairly close by. When my husband and I were dating, we took my then 7 year old brother to Deer Forest in Coloma.

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