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Old 10-21-2015, 07:28 AM   #16
Neverland Scraps
Having breakfast at Kona Cafe
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Fort Campbell, KY
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Camera: Nikon D3200, iPhone 8
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Earlier this month, out of the blue, I re-broke my back. In March, I fell down my parents stairs and broke my back however I thought I was healed. That was not the case as the x-ray revealed it never healed. I am currently in the process of awaiting a MRI to see if any damage has been done in not treating the broken bone. Two doctors, who aren't not orthopedists, have told me that I need surgery. However with our upcoming move out of state in Jan/Feb, I can't find a doctor willing to do a surgery because I will not be local for the 6-month recovery. I am in a lot of pain daily. While I'm trying not to take my pain medication, so I don't get addicted, for the most part, I'm laying on the sofa trying not to move while the harsh pain goes away.

During this time, my grandmother unexpectedly passed away. Because I live with my parents, while my husband is deployed, and my father is the executor of the estate, I was helping with the planning of two funerals as well as am now trying to help out while my dad goes through with the legality of selling her home, dividing up the assets and what not. Everyday it is something going on in the house.

Because of these two events, I did not send out all participation prizes to those who did this challenge. However, it's been some time and I did take a pain pill this morning, so things are a little cloudy. I can't remember who I sent prizes to as my inbox doesn't show my sent messages.

This is where YOU come in to play. If you participated in this challenge and did NOT receive the link to the prize, would you please inbox me and I'll get it sent to you right away? I don't really want to message all of you all over again and really have you think I lost my marbles!
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